agis · arbeitsgruppe grafische datenverarbeitung und interaktive systeme · universität bremen


May 2013

Cultural Analytics, Information Aesthetics, and Distant Readings

Workshop with Lev Manovich and Frieder Nake

Leuphana University Lüneburg

4 July 2014 from 14 to 19, and 5 July 2014 from 9:30 to 16



If you are based in Minneapolis or not that far away:

Perhaps you are interested in the eyeo 2014 festival

to happen there from 10 to 13 June, 2014. Frieder Nake one of the speakers.



Wednesday, 4 June 2014, from 9 a.m.:

Tag der Lehre at University of Bremen

All courses should be stopped in favor of these events.

Informatik and Digital Media offer three panels, one of them is

"Digital Media: what is the message?" (in English)

from 2 to 3:30 p.m. in MZH 1470



Prix Ars Electronica in 2014 for the first time awards a new category:

Visionary Pioneer of Media Art.

Roy Ascott got the highest number of votes.

Runners-up are Krzysztof Wodczko and Alvin Lucier.

A total of 118 persons had been nominated.

Two of them got 4 votes, two more 3 votes, and eight collected 2 votes.

Another 22 received one vote, among them Frieder Nake.



publication that you may be interested in:



Prof. Dr. Gerhard Fischer

(University of Colorado at Boulder, Center for Life-Long

Learning & Design), one of the leading experts in HCI and related topics in the USA, 

is currently a fellow at Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg in Delmenhorst.

If you want to get in touch with him, please, 

drop me a note.



Here is a link to a short report

by one of the students at the workshop on Algorithmic Thinking,

conducted by Frieder Nake

at the École Supérieur d'Art et de Design in Amiens, France, April 2014:


letzte änderung: 30.05.2014