agis · arbeitsgruppe grafische datenverarbeitung und interaktive systeme · universität bremen

Dr. Edward Shanken, Docent in New Media at University of Amsterdam

Art and Electronic Media

Seminar, as a one-week block from July 13 through 17, 2009
from  9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day - 3 SWS, 4 CP ECTS
in the OAS building Linzer Str. 9a, room 3000 / Aesthetics Laboratory
for M.A., M.Sc., B.A., B.Sc. in Digital Media &  Informatik.
Participation limited to 20 students.
Module  M-102 “Special Topics in Media Theory and History"
Module B-303 “Special Topics in Media Theory"

To register for this unique occasion, please send email to Frieder Nake,, containing your name, semester, program of study, school of your registration

Prof. Shanken is a young art historian whose research focuses on media art.  He belongs to the growing number of scholars who take an active interest in the cross-over of art, science, and technology.  He has published extensively on the cultural implications of cybernetics, robotics, and biotechnology.  His name resonates beautifully in the artists' and theoreticians' communities of digital art. His new book, "Art and electronic media" was recently published by Phaidon Press, 2009. He is Universitair Docent in New Media at the University of Amsterdam. See his website <>.

We are very proud and honored that Prof. Shanken has agreed to be researcher-in-residence for the month of July as guest of compArt | Center of Excellence Digital Art.

Do not miss this great opportunity: there will be nothing better this year.

letzte änderung: 09.09.2009