agis · arbeitsgruppe grafische datenverarbeitung und interaktive systeme · universität bremen

Frieder Nake und Susan Grabowski betreuen nach Absprache Abschlussarbeiten und Dissertationen in den Gebieten:

  • Informatik (Diplom, B.Sc., M.Sc., Dr.rer.nat., Dr.-Ing.)
  • Digital Media (B.Sc., M.Sc., B.A., M.A., Dr.-Ing., Dr. phil.)

Auch nach Kunst- oder Kulturwissenschaften oder Philosophie können Sie fragen.

Some of the following titles and their outlines are in German, others are in English. Most topics are open to be done in either language, English or German. Topics may also be adjusted to the suitable level, Bachelor or Master. If you are interested, please, contact me for more.


Graphic Data Processing

02 Video installations of natural phenomena, like

      Digital Sunrise / The Thunderstorm / Kinds of Rain


Algorithmic Art

10 Algorithmik & Ästhetik. Das Werk von Manfred Mohr / 

     Algorithmics & Aesthetcs. The Work of M. Mohr

11 Kunst, Geometrie, Topologie. Manfred Mohr und Folgen /

     Art, Geometry, Topology. Manfred Mohr’s Legacy

14 Das Mondrian Hyperbild / A Hypermedium for Piet Mondrian

15 Piet Mondrian, interaktiv / An Interactive Approach to Piet Mondrian

16 Vom Algorithmus zur Interaktion. Vier interaktive Kunst-Installationen /

      From Algorithm to Interaction. Four Interactive Installations

18 Josef Albers. Formulation : Articulation

19 Die digitale Linie – The Digital Line. A Contradiction in Terms


History of Algorithmic Art (in connection with project compArt)

30 History of the First International Contest of Computer Art

31 Gene Youngblood’s Expanded Cinema and Current Digital Media

32 Virtual Galleries as Access to a Database

34 1968. Revolt of the Young Generation & Birth of Algorithmic Art

35 Selected Topics from the History of Digital Art


Digital Media

50 History and Concept of „Digital Media“ and „Medieninformatik“:

     Studying Digital Media

51 In-Betweening. Really Making Use of Computers

52 Interfaces and their Aesthetics

53 Wort & Wirklichkeit

54 Die Treppe – The Staircase. A remarkable medium

55 The Bullet-Point. An Aberration


Semiotics & Related Topics

60 Ernsthaft: Der Tod des Designers. Mit Roland Barthes

61 Semiotische Suppe / Semiotic Soup

62 ZeichenReich. Gegen die Verarmung des Interface


Upcoming final colloquia



letzte änderung: 25.06.2014